Thanks you for your interest in volunteering for our 2024 VBS at JCT!

Here is a brief description of the ways you can engage with the VBS Team:

Prayer Team - This Team will pray over each child that signs up throughout the summer and the team ministering to them during the week of VBS.

Playbook Team - This team will meet through the summer on zoom to dream about what each day of VBS can look like and put together a plan for each of the daily themes along with getting everything prepped and ready to go for the week of VBS.

Starting Lineup - This team will make the plan happen when the kids arrive. You can sign up for individual days (including portions of days) or the entire week. Members of this team will greet kids and families as they arrive, be small group leaders/helpers, be involved with large group service times, help setup activities and snacks and/or lead our activity centers.

There is a place for everyone on the VBS team so please take a few moments to fill out the form below and let us know how you are available to serve!