The Vision for Prayer at JCT

“It is written,” he said to them,
“‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’
but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’”

Matthew 21:13

At the end of his sabbatical in the summer of 2022, the Lord spoke to Pastor Michael two words: government + prayer.

We have focused on prayer corporately through our Sunday morning gatherings in the prayer room, altar ministry, and through our Seek First gatherings on the first Wednesday of each month.

Prayer is the utmost thing that we feel the Holy Spirit is moving. We need the Holy Spirit here. We need the power of God to move, and to move strongly. We don’t want to build anything based off our own name or anyone else’s. We want the glory of God to be known and the power of Jesus Christ to be seen. And the only way that happens is if He is glorified.

So we are going to pray.
And we are going to build…

Renderings for the Prayer Building

  • “I pray for a day that people come onto this property and say,
    'I don't know what it is about this place, but I just feel like the power and presence of God is going to work.’”

    Pastor Michael Kyker

Item 1 of 2

What we are still praying through…

How to Give

We are not full of hype. We want you to give because the Holy Spirit tells you to give, and we want you to trust Him.

Either the Lord builds this house, or it doesn’t get built at all.

If you would like to give, there is a building fund opened for donations.